I’ve been busy with all kinds of things. One of those things includes a redesign of my site for Ocala Web Designer. It’s not that I didn’t like the last design, it’s just that it wasn’t clean enough to be a site promoting web design.

The new site is sleek, streamlined, and might purty…sorry, couldn’t help throwing that in there. Unfortunately, I didn’t make an IE6 version, though I probably will. It will probably just have a pop up informing the user to upgrade their browser and that the site wont look pretty until they do.

Screen shot below, enjoy:

Ocala Web Designer thumbnailNo where, really, I have just been busy. I have been creating a new brand for myself: Ocala Web Designer. You like?

I figured that JessePearson.net didn’t really say, “I build websites!” so, I decided to get another domain name and create a new site. I wanted something dark and grungy, yet clean and slick. Since I am my biggest critic, I can say that I am not 100% happy with it, I just feel like there is something off about it and can’t quite put my finger on it. It is fine, though, I am sure I will do a re-design in my downtime.

I am hoping to go live today, I just need to finish up the content on a couple of the pages and maybe do a little more tweaking and it will be complete.

The more poor designs and writing skills hurt my head. Seriously, who puts 3000+ words into a single paragraph to describe a designer’s responsibilities? Half of the time you read the responsibilities and you, being the web educated person you are, know that the person writing the job description has absolutely no clue what they are talking about.

Do professionals use Dreamweaver? Do they even teach it in school? I personally haven’t touched it since DW4, which was before Adobe pulled a Highlander move on Macromedia and absorbed its powers.

Anyway, on to some other news. I decided to create another website that says simply what I am and what I can offer for you. Ready? It’s http://ocalawebdesigner.com. I figured it couldn’t be any more simple than that, Ocala Web Designer. Now I am off to create the design for that, as well as, some signs and business cards for my brother and I.

So, you want to be a web developer…but you’re running around like a chicken with its head cut off. I know that feeling.

I recently lost my job, a job in which I was a jack-of-all-trades, and I was also a telecommuter. I have tons of knowledge in this cranium of mine, but I have very little proof that I can use it. These are all a very bad combination together when you live in a place such as Ocala. This is not a technology town, it’s a horse and retirement town. Jobs pop up and I apply, send my resume, and I hear nothing back. It’s because of that lack of proof I mentioned before, I say I know PHP, MySQL, HTML and CSS, but only have a few old examples of my work. I am a headless chicken, look at me dance.

I am here now, wanting to learn more, and also wanting to showcase my skills. It’s going to start with me skinning this blog, then I will move on from here.